Lade Veranstaltungen

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Berlin, Hotel Grenzfall


Oktober 2024

Advanced Course – The Prechtl General Movement Assessment

28. Oktober 2024 - 31. Oktober 2024

A diagnostic method for the functional assessment of the integrity of the nervous system This three and a half day advanced course is only for those participants who are already involved in the application of the Prechtl method for analyzing general movements (GMs), who have successfully completed the basic course and passed his final test. The advanced course offers intensive exercises, demonstrations and lectures for the most precise assessment / possibility of predicting later severe neurological damage. The training deals with the details…

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Mai 2025

Basic Course – The Prechtl General Movement Assessment

5. Mai 2025 - 8. Mai 2025

A diagnostic method for the functional assessment of the integrity of the nervous system Did you know you can detect children at high risk of cerebral palsy in the first few months of life? Abnormal general movements are among the most reliable markers for cerebral palsy. General movements are part of the spontaneous motor repertoire and are present from early fetal life until the end of the first half year after term. In addition to its high sensitivity (98%) and specificity (91%), the…

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